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People are sheep. It is in our nature to want to be accepted by others, praised by others, wanted by others. It is a difficult thing to overcome, even if you are conscious of it. To be different makes you weird, it makes you vulnerable to ridicule by the sheep who want to bring you down to build themselves up.

As a parent, how do you convey the gravity of life to your children but not make them grow up too quickly? You don't want them to be outcasts, but you want them to find their own identity based on their wants and not to try to please the crowd. I find this especially tough with my daughter, who I try so hard to keep young, innocent and tomboyish despite very strong influences that base their life on looks, money, vanity and perception. I struggle with the meaning of it all, and I have settled on (at least for now) that my sole purpose is my children. My job is what I do, my hobbies are my entertainment but my family what makes me who I am.

In spite of the bad decisions I've made and the irresponsible things I have done, good thing have blossomed and flourished. I have tried to give religion and god a chance, but I find myself back at the same point pertaining to people following one another because it's our nature. It is the reason why religions vary by region, by ethnicity. All we really have is our relationships and our family to make a lasting mark and to influence the future.

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