
Weak End

So since I came to this realization that I do want to keep riding my dirt bike I have been back on the training program pretty steady. I am feeling some results already, but I really need to get back on the bike soon. I have been waiting on some parts so I can finish building my 09 450 Honda which has SX Suspension from MB1 ready to go. I am thinking by Wednesday the rest of the parts to the puzzle will come together for me.

I went to Speedworld and watched Jesse and a bunch of our minions from The Dirt Lab race at the Beat The Heat Series. I did a track walk after the races with a few of our riders to show them lines and talk about strategy. Jesse, Max and a few friends of mine all met at Westgate after the race for some tasty libations. I don't know how Pre got up and trained after a night of drinking, but Pre was a bigger man than me.

I am almost completely moved into my new house. I am finally sleeping in my actual bed, instead of the floor, tonight. Getting my internet set up and a few more things, but overall things are B+.

Have a great week.



Wed nes day

OMG I hate acronyms.

But oh my gawd I am tired. The last few days have been amazingly good and ridiculously busy. I started training with my friend Tim Ham early in the morning, then heading to work and putting in some hours. Last night I went to Speedworld MX Part and taught a private motocross class for around four hours. By the time I met Jesse and Lyda @Salty Seniorita's for $1 tacos, it was close to 11PM. We took this morning off to rest since we are both pretty beat from the previous few days.

I am feeling great, although I am really tired today. I picked up my kids from my totally awesome ex-wife today and will have them for the rest of the week. It makes training a little tough, but I am putting a gym in my new house so I will be able to get up early and pour sweat before they wake. The great challenge of life is being able to find time to do all the things you want to do. I think I have a good balance figured out now between being selfish and being self-less. My kids are my world, but not having them half the time leaves me with a lot of hours to fill - so if I plan on being competitive at riding anymore I need to use them selfishly.




Stuff and Things

Things are good. It was kind of a long road to get to where I am right now, but it was worth the trip. I am very focused on riding and getting ready for whatever is next in this game of life. For the moment, I am just happy to be playing.

I am getting ready to move into a new house, which my kids are really excited about. The Dirt Lab, just over a year old now, is doing great and improving all the time.

I am back doing what I love for all the right reasons, and it just feels good. I want to thank all of my supporters, from my family and friends to my fans. Let's roll the dice.